My Priorities

Cut the clutter. Simplify Around Education.
WBL District Strategic Plan is jumbled, complex and needs to be streamlined with laser focus on educating our kids. It lists too much stuff:
12 Beliefs
A Mission Statement of over 50 words
Six learning attributes with 50 plus sub-attributes
Keep it simple – its all about education and preparing for the future
Bring Truth, Transparency and Trust to Education.
Focus on results that matter.
Put assurance and safeguards in place. Kids who graduate should not require remedial learning to pass basic entrance exams for college, trade schools or the military.
Build back together: Listen to parents and stakeholders. Bring ideas.
We share the same community and values around educating our kids and need to treat each other as friends and assume the best intentions from one another.
Establish informal communications with our parents, teachers, and stakeholders in the community.
Strengthen our links between our schools and the community through our school board members.
Peaceful Schools. Safe Learning.
Proactively address the effects of social media. Kids are bombarded with unhealthy and destructive influences which disrupt the classroom.
Assure our methods are working for safe schools and tackle violent behaviors including cyberbullying, physical assaults, and exploitation.